Iso 2768 mk erklärung
Iso 2768 mk erklärung

iso 2768 mk erklärung

Back in 2014, it became a branch campus of Franklin University in Columbus, Ohio. We were surprised to hear that Urbana University is closing. If you can help fund this effort this year, please do! There's much more, too - we're working on ways to make your reading and studying easier, and more readily applicable to your life. We work closely with the translators to get the texts clean and cross-linked, and get them online. There are active pipelines in at least 12 languages.

  • We've processed more than 400 texts in our "Writings for Everyone" initiative, and we still have around 25 more to go, in English, French, Japanese, Malayalam, and other languages.
  • We have a lot now, but there's room to improve!
  • We are planning to get more translations of the Bible - modern and accurate ones - in all the major languages.
  • We used some older texts to start this, and we're updating the whole data set, so readers in more languages can readily see the symbolic meanings of the key words in every Bible story.
  • We want to make the meanings of Bible words clearer.
  • We're about 30% of the way towards this goal now, and it's going well.
  • We're going to keep working to create good, well-researched, approachable chapter summaries for every Bible chapter.
  • Here's what we're hoping to do next - and what a donation from you would support! It's a good day to think about what charitable efforts you want to support. In the USA, Tuesday, December 1 has been designated as "Giving Tuesday". The project doesn't yet have any endowment it depends on the ongoing support of site users and people who "get" how important its message is.


    We have a small core team that gets paid to do the core software development work, a network of volunteer writers and proofreaders, the in-kind support of many New Christian congregations and publishers, some paid student workers, and a community of donors.

    iso 2768 mk erklärung

    This site's been up and running for seven years now.


    so you probably think so, too! We're working hard to make it so people all over the world can read the Word, and understand its inner meaning, and it's relevance - still! - for how to live a better life. Do you think there's a need for the ideas, the wisdom, and the love from a new, revitalized Christianity? We do. the first web-based Bible translation in Mara! August 27, 2021: The whole UI is better, and we're adding multi-lingual versions rapidly.Īnd. Reading plans have been getting some tender loving care. They're fast, they're more informative, and much more searchable. We've made big improvements to the hub pages for spiritual topics and Bible stories. (Now, of course, we need more volunteer question-answerers! If that's you, get in touch.) We've added an easier way for visitors/readers to ask questions. Advanced Search has handy new options for sorting search results. hey, if you're feeling studious, check it out on the Research Tools page. It's still mostly intended for translators, but. Our "Swedenborg Thesaurus" is growing, and we've been making it more user friendly. Again, we're lucky/grateful to have such productive translators working in so many places. We also added "Divine Providence" in Malayalam, a language of southwest India.

    iso 2768 mk erklärung

    Our international translator community is really productive! We imported a translation of "Gesprekken Met Engelen", or "Conversations with Angels" in Dutch. How did that happen already? Summer was way too short! Lots of news we'll cram it into one post here.

    Iso 2768 mk erklärung